Fly Away

Fly Away!

Pondering a Move

The sun crept over the horizon giving notice that today will be hotter than yesterday. Right now, though, cool morning air offered a brief promise of comfort. As I stood on the deck, coffee cup in hand, I thought about how we had come to live out here on the plains. The mountains had been so appealing. Life there turned from exhilarating to excruciating as time crawled over us, mauling different body parts.

The move was difficult for both of us. I aged ten years in the month it took to get off the mountain. It was a good move though. The lower elevation helped my wife's breathing and gave me peace, over time, that we made the right decision. Too often we must make decisions not knowing for sure that they are the correct ones. It is the nature of living, hindsight being the clearest sight.

The Balloon!

Looking over the pond and alfalfa field in the distance, cool air caressing my face, something drifted into my vision from the left. An inverted fig, diagonally striped in many colors, floated five hundred feet above me. A basket underneath cradled a couple of tiny people who slowly came into view. It was a hot air balloon drifting from west to east.

What a beautiful, fun sight! When it got close enough, someone yelled "good morning" and I could see a tiny hand waving at me. Watching the balloon drift out of sight reminded me of the time we had ridden in a similar-looking balloon over thirty-two years ago.

Our Balloon Ride

It was a crisp, cold January morning. Snow was still on the ground after the previous night's storm. Five of us took off, another couple, the pilot, my wife, and me. There were so many things I was unsure of on that cold day, not the least of which was why I am in a hot-air balloon basket! I didn't like to fly in airplanes, let alone dangling from a huge balloon full of hot air. It was a wedding gift, and you can't lie to the gift giver, saying, "we had a wonderful time" without having one. So, I agreed, and up, up, and away we went!

I was happily surprised by the serenity one feels a few hundred feet off the ground. There was a gentle wind pushing us to the east and as I let go of my fears and gave in to the joy of the ride, I began to feel comfortable as we glided through the air. The pilot grabbed a cord above his head and pulled. The balloon began to drift slowly toward the ground. We were moving at about ten miles an hour, thirty feet off the ground, over a farmer's field. We startled a rabbit. It was sure we were a hawk about to catch breakfast! Off he ran dodging left and right, trying to escape capture. Again, the pilot reaches up and grabs another cord, and pulls. Flames burst upward into the open mouth of the balloon filling it with hot air. The balloon climbed and we could see miles and miles in all directions.

Back to Earth

I pondered our many rides on the winds of time as I watched that colorful fig fade into the distance. Experiences in life are like balloon rides and time is the wind. We move through each moment amazed at where we have come from and afraid of where we are headed. Our pilot made a perfect landing that cold January morning. The basket stayed upright, and we all got off safely. Our Pilot guided us to the perfect place for this stage of our life. A perfect landing overlooking some of the same fields we flew over 32 years ago. We will continue to trust God to pilot us on our next flight into the unknown. After a combined 156 years of taking these journeys, we know we have at least one more. Yet, there may be another before that final ascent.