
Over the years, I found out that I am one of many Bob Pittmans. I changed my birth name, Robert Michael to Robert Pittman in 1979. I never knew my birth father, David Michael, nor did I ever know any of his family. My only encounter with any of them was in 1968, at David's funeral. They acted like a pariah from the past had descended on them. David died in a plane crash a week before I joined the Navy. Douglas Pittman was the only "father" I ever knew. In honor of him, I changed my name in spite of his dishonor of me by never adopting me.
I graduated high school in 1967, joined the Navy in 1968, began working in the computer hardware and software business in 1978, and retired in 2018. 
I received an undergraduate degree from Regis University, Denver, in Computer Science with a minor in business and a Master's degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Denver Seminary. Currently, I worship and serve at a small church in Windsor, Colorado, Christian Church of Windsor.
I am sharing this short resume so people know a little about my life perspective and orientation. It colors how I write and what I write about.
I am not Bob Pittman of AOL and iHeart Radio fame. Nor am I the Reverand Bob Pittman from the midwest, the Doctor Bob Pittman out east, or the low-life Bob Pittman whose creditors bothered me to death when I moved to Colorado. 
While one of the many Bob Pittman's, I am uniquely and wonderfully made, as we all are, in the image of God. However, I am not perfect and my projection of God's image is smudged and distorted. That's not God's fault though. I own my projection of him to the world and am in the process of transformation, as we all are.
WHAT IS Reflections © 2022?
I considered writing as a side job in 2022 but found that writing for money was not what motivated me to write. My motivation flows from a desire to say something through my writing and share that something with other people. I tried out a lot of names for the site but settled on simple and direct: Bob Pittman - Reflections © 2022. I even added the copywrite symbol in case anyone wants to steal my work and make big bucks, though, that's not likely. The website is a compilation of my writings. I will add to them as the Spirit moves, so there is no regular production cycle nor are there any tomes in the works. Just reflections.
I use Grammarly for spell-checking and sentence structure. I do not use ChatGPT or any other AI application to generate text for me. I do have an editor. Her name is Nancy, my wife. An AI tool pretends to dialogue with the user. Nancy does not pretend. She has improved my writing and helped me develop humility. Thank you Nancy!
Nothing fancy here. The reflections are organized by the year they were written. If any other delineation of subjects, topics, etc. is needed in the future I might add them. 
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